Pedals Magazine - July 2024 Edition

July 2024 Pedals Cover
Pedals Magazine - July 2024 Edition

Dear Readers,

There’s something special in the water at ICPA and I am both inspired and in awe of the many, many hours that are voluntarily given to keep our organisation running. To these sentiments - my favourite thing about Pedals is that it is tangible evidence of the commitment, dedication and servant-heartedness of our members. Both the time spent constructing an article and the branch update, fundraising recap or interesting story featured in the article are testaments to the generosity of ICPA members. I find great joy in connecting with the people who send in content, particularly when it is one of the regular contributors and their email often also contains a little life update.

A favourite tale from this edition is Jodie Keogh’s (SA Lone Member/Quilpie Branch) reflection on the lengths she has gone to in order to get her kids to school of the air events (Page 36). From boats to travelling many dirt roads in questionable conditions and even an overnight stay in a mining community, the Keoghs’ commitment to school is one that many readers will be able to relate to.

I, like many of you, am eagerly awaiting federal conference. It is one of my favourite times of year, as the ICPA family from all corners of the nation come together for a common cause. While the motions carried and the redefining of our goals during the conference are always significant events, it is also just as exciting to see friends you haven’t seen in 12 months. I look forward to seeing many of you in Sydney on the 24 – 25th July.

Until Next Time - Hannah Calcino